A Lifetime of Encouragement:
Larry believes that the Word, the Cross and the Spirit intersect to change lives. He loves people and seeks to bring joy and hope through Jesus to those he meets. Larry has invested in people his entire life. He has inspired people to new heights of fulfillment and achievement. He has touched people at every new chapter of their lives, from celebrating the birth of children to helping families honor the life of those who die. Larry has served the Lord as an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church for nearly 50 years and has served as pastor of eleven churches. Larry has also served as a General Evangelist and later as an Associate Evangelist for the denomination. In retirement he serves individuals and churches through this ministry, Hope Transforms. Additional Background Info
His careers have intersected with people encouraging them, helping them to grow, and giving them hope:
Deb and Larry
Married in 1974, Deb and Larry are proud of their three sons. The family has grown to include daughters-in-laws and Grandchildren. Along the way there was always space for youth who needed a home whom we count as our kids, too. Several dogs have lived in our home as well. We have been truly blessed. Thank you, Lord!
We love Shelties!
I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever. I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever. Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! - Psalm 145:1-3a - |